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FREE — On-Demand CE Class

AAP Guidelines: Help Us Find Answers

Program Overview
Periodontal disease starts with a biofilm-based infection that creates a wound that, in turn, induces the inflammatory cascade. This wound must be taken seriously and treated at the earliest possible stages. We tend to think of our diagnoses as dental diagnoses; but there is no such thing as a dental diagnosis. The updated AAP classification system created in 2017 represents a multi-dimensional staging and grading framework for periodontitis and implant health and disease status. A hallmark feature of the updated system brings opportunities for more case specific patient care. Accurate coding for dental, medical and for electronic health records keeping requires a documented medical necessity including a medical diagnosis. Diagnosing, treatment planning, and executing appropriate and necessary periodontal therapies will be reviewed utilizing case presentation.

Credits: 1
AGD Code: 490
Length: 60 min

AAP Guidelines: Help Us Find Answers

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We will always keep your information safe. This is an on-demand event via computer, tablet or mobile device. You must have a viable internet connection in order to join. After you register, you will receive a link via email to access the course.


Your Presenter
Jaime Murphy, RDH
About Your Presenter
Jaime holds degrees in both Dental Hygiene and Early Childhood Education. Jaime has a passion for connecting with others and building rapport with both learning and educating. With over 20 years practicing as a Registered Dental Hygienist, Jaime’s current positions include:  Dental Hygiene Clinical Practice in NH both in private practice and community health settings, Clinical Representative for Young Innovations, Professional Educator for Waterpik, Territory Manager for Protect It Dental, Clinical Product Trainer for Overjet , Clinical Practitioner providing grade school screenings for the National Smile Survey project, Speaking for Dental Hygienist Associations & Dental Society Meetings and other entities.

Serving the Executive Board for NHDHA for the last 13 years, first as Trustee, then Vice President, as well as a 2-year term as the NHDHA President, Jaime was also Membership Chairperson for over 5 years and is currently serving her 9th consecutive year as the CE Chairperson.

Jaime was chosen for 2015’s ADHA Unleashing Your Potential weekend of leadership in Chicago. Jaime has served 5 terms as the Delegate Chair for ADHA’s House of Delegates at their National Meetings. In addition, she serves on the NHTI Dental Advisory Board which holds the only Dental Hygiene Program in NH. Jaime loves all things shiny & sparkly and you can find her taking a million photos adventuring with her two adorable children.


  • Discuss the importance of properly diagnosing and coding patient treatment.
  • Recognize treatment modalities that are evidence-based protocols for specific types of periodontal diseases according to the new classification system.
  • Review the AAP staging/grading system for periodontal disease and how it will benefit patient care and management.



YOUNG INNOVATIONS INC. is designated as an approved PACE program provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for fellowship, mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement.
